Formally established in Nepal on November 2, 1995, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Office is located in Sanepa, Lalitpur, headed by a Resident Representative.
It had been providing scholarship support to young Nepali students in the fields of political education, social science research, political dialogue, training on mass media and communication and general education even before its office was formally established in Nepal. Its activities in Nepal can be broadly classified as follows:
- Encouragement to the growth of democratic institutions and instruments in order to improve their capability in the formation of a democratic political culture.
- Promotion of dialogue on various issues concerning Nepal’s environment, decentralization and good governance, civic education, women and development, economic policies, foreign aid, social issues, consumer rights, role of NGOs and civil society and international co-operation.
- Improvement of labour welfare, discussion of working conditions, training on industrial relations system, health and safety for workers, labour economics, women and informal sector, organization and management, leadership training, collective bargaining and responsibilities of workers.
- Scholarship support to promising young Nepali intellectuals to get exposure, training and education abroad.
Capacity building of mass media agencies, different departments of Tribhuvan University and local NGOs with material help, donation of books, fax machines, photo-copiers, computers, printers and other equipment. FES has supported its partner organizations in Nepal in publishing books on matters of policy, as well as of general and academic interest. Notable among them are areas such as Nepali economy, development, foreign aid and debt, civil society, women and development, NGOs, environment, decentralization and local self-government, civic education, industrial relations, World Trade Organization (WTO), impact of globalization on Nepal, Nepal and South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC), Nepal’s foreign policy, social development, media and democracy.
Promotion of regional co-operation in South Asia. In this context, the Coalition for Action on South Asian Co-operation (CASAC), an NGO with regional dimension, works in co-operation with the FES in promoting regional co-operation, development and peace in South Asia.
In sum, the FES Nepal works in the following fields:
- Democratization
- Trade Union Development
- Media Development
- Regional Co-operation in South Asia
- Conflict Resolution
- Good Governance
- Gender